The line outside Warsaw on Day 3

Before the doors opened...

DP One & Bobby Rel Butler on stage

Morris & Kid Glyde

Morris & Whorah

Menno in the cypher

K'aotic through the crowd -- one of my favorite pics from the weekend

View of the cypher from the stage

Bobby Rel Butler, Emcee Trixx and Kid Glyde conferring on stage

Tony Knuckles getting ready for battle

The NO DANCING sign appeared in the bar on Day 3... coudn't resist this shot

Watching the battles from the bar

Emcee Trixx chilling backstage

X-Fenz huddle pre-battle

Cyphers on Day 1


Watching the battles on the side...

Bebo in the cypher



Kid Glyde emceeing day 1

Supreme Beingz battling


Hardbody crew

Lilivette watching the rocking battles