Excite in the cypher

Breaks Kru in the cypher

View from the balcony

SamO cooling off

Souljerz crew in the cypher

Will (X-Fenz)

Will & Lil' Tony

Loose Lee chillin'

Whorah pre-battle

Kim & Mya

Street Rockers

Whorah in the cypher

X-Fenz, 5-Crew Dynasty, Supreme Beingz & Teen Titanz

Frankie stretching

Whorah & Lil' Tony practicing their routine outside

Gravity & Frankie battling

Korean chicks vs. Titan soldiers

Tony & Whorah pre-battle

Ready to Rock

Kelvin (X-Fenz) vs. Ready to Rock

Yansen vs Breaks Kru

Breaks Kru

Teen Soldiers

Jiggz (Supreme Beings)

Serge hyping up Gravity

Connie Rock

DVS (X-Fenz)

X-Fenz post-win